mmmhm Cereal, not too soggy but not so crunchy either. So many different kinds; Trix, Cap’n Crunch, and with berries and peanut butter, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Fruity Pebbles, fruit loops, Check Mix, Rice Crispies, Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Pebbles, Apple Jacks, Frosted O’s, Kix, Raison bran, Corn Flakes, Rice, Corn, Multi grain, Wheat Chex, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Special K, Life, Wheaties, Mini Wheats, Honey Bunches of Oats, Pops, Cocoa Puffs, Total, Cookie-Crisps, Golden Grams, Reeses Puffs, Banana Nut Granola, Breakfast with Barbie, Chocolate Donutz,cream of wheat, Grape Nuts, Reptar Crunch and this is not even half of them on the market today! If you think about it a cereal box is always so colorful and fun it is like a rainbow of excited when looking down a cereal aisle at the store, with games on the back of the box to look at when eating in the morning. There is always a story behind the picture of games on the back, search for the missing people or fill in the blanks. They always have theme songs to them for the commercials and as well as catchy slogans like “crunch-a-tize me cap’n” and “silly rabbit Trix are for kids”, so many box of cereal made just to catch an eye of a little kid in the grocery store on TV there is always wild adventures going on inside the cereal box. But as well as there are many cereals just put out when a certain movie comes out so they see Kung-Fu-Panda and then just want the cereal box because that’s what on their kids do not care what it taste like. Do they? I remember pick cereal because of the cool color changing spoon, or weird toy that they might come up to be appealing to the consumer. But as well as there are many cereals that are good for you like cheerios can lower your cholesterol so it makes it not just appealing to young children but too older and middle aged people as well. Like Special K can help you lose weight, and with overweight Americans they try everything to lose weight I wonder how many people have that box of cereal sitting in their pantry. Really does every cereal taste that much different from another mean every brand has about every flavor you can think of. Us Americans eat it like no tomorrow for breakfast, lunch and some even like if for dinner!
I remember when I was young watching the cereal commercials. All the cereal commercials looked very adventurous and exciting. After I got the cereals, I did not care about the cereals. All I was interested in was the little toys that came along with it. As you said on the blog, I agree that the cereal companies are trying to target the kids. They are trying to get the kids to nag on their parents to buy the cereals. I read a book about advertisement and they were trying to get younger kids every time they advertise. The companies are trying to get the new generations that will lead the next world. Like you said, cereal is just cereal. I think we will all still eat them without all those commercials.
ReplyDeleteWith so many different types of cereals today, what else are they going to come up with? They have cereals that appeal to people with high cholesterol; people who want to lose wait, or just plain kids. No wonder why so many people eat it, and it also includes milk so you know that you are eating nutritious. Is the next cereal box in process right now? Will it be something that can make you live longer like “Heart to Heart” or something that prevents hair loss like “Growing Wheaties”? With all these catchy slogans and statistics that are being advertised to make us healthy, it’s no wonder why I have “Special K” in my pantry. It’s just something that works for me.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with this blog. I have walked around the cereal aisles a lot lately and have noticed how there are exactly the same type of cereal just in different flavors or with additional treats such as marshmallows, dried strawberries, or nuts. Take honey bunches of oats for example; they consist of about 9 different types of honey bunches of oats. The 9 being honey bunches of oats: with chocolate, with vanilla, with cinnamon clusters, honey roasted, with almonds, with strawberries, with peaches and just recently added JUST BUNCHES: honey roasted and caramel. It would not surprise me at all if the company of honey bunches of oats created dozens more of the same type of cereal with a few additions of such and such. It’s completely insane. Next thing you know, we will start seeing stores where you can build your own type of cereal, mixing which ever cereal that suit you as well as making your own cereal box of entertainment. What a joy! Seriously, It would be. =]
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