Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I love icces they are so amazing and you can get only at any gas station basically anywhere except Mexico. In the United States every gas station and even some of the fast food places have slurpees. There is jolly rancher flavors, green apple, blue raspberry, cherry, and Fante flavors as well as pina colada, coffee, coca cola, sprite, orange, and even grape. These are just a few of the flavors; I would not even be able to say all of them out there. There cheap, sweet and quick to get. They are so wonderful because they last so long and are quick to get anywhere. It is something that everyone likes and I guess is an American tradition.
Compared to smooties and shakes they are not dairy, and are refreshing and cold since it is so hot out here in California. It is only of my favorites things to drink but since I was in Mexico and they did not have any sluprees I mean seriously I went to seven eleven and they did not have any slurpees. I would really like to know if anyone has ever been to any seven eleven and they not have slurpees. It was insane and I was so mad. But since they did not have any I substituted them with frozen margaritas and daiquiris. Which ended up being way better in the long run. so I guess you cannot always get what you want especially if you’re in another county. apparently you have to do it their way if you want to get somewhere or at least have fun and have a refreshing drink by the pool.
Going to Mexico made me realize a lot of things, so many things are different from what I was used to. I mean I took the simple fact of walking into a gas station and getting a slurpee on any corner.

1 comment:

  1. I like icce drinks too. The green apple one is the best. But if you like that, you should go to Guppys in Cerritos. I always go with my friends because they have this meal that is enough to feed about six people for just eighteen dollars. The meal comes with popcorn chicken, brick toast, and shaved ice. But the bowl of shaved ice that comes with fresh fruit and condensed milk is the best. It usually comes with strawberries as the fruit on top. We personally don’t like the strawberries on it, so we change it to mangos for an extra dollar. It is really good; I recommend you to try it.

    --John Rodriguez
